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Overcoming Process Chaos: HO2’s Path to Innovative Banking Product Management with SAP UI5

In a world where the speed of information and the efficiency of processes determine success, we were faced with an ever-present challenge: banking product management trapped in the shackles of outdated processes and technology. Our client, a visionary financial institution, was confronted with a thicket of confusing processes. Communications were fragmented – documents were sent like messages in a bottle in a sea of emails, some stranded on remote server islands. This chaos made it almost impossible to maintain a clear overview and make the care process efficient.

The Challenge

The main problem of this initial situation was the frustration of the employees. Day after day, they navigated a maze of information whose management and accessibility were more like a game of chance than a well-ordered system. Motivation dropped, efficiency suffered, and error rates increased – a vicious cycle that not only burdened employees, but also had the potential to undermine customer satisfaction and trust in the institution.

HO2’s innovative approach

At this critical moment, HO2 entered the scene, armed with the InnovateSAP initiative, a beacon of clarity and innovation in the often nebulous world of IT solutions. Our goal was not only to solve the immediate problems, but also to bring about a lasting change that would revolutionize our client’s banking product management.

Our approach was characterized by a deep understanding of the need to overcome not only technological, but also human hurdles. We started by designing a mockup in SAP Build Classic, which served as the visual basis for the planned transformation. This mockup was not developed in a quiet room, but in close cooperation with the end users, whose feedback was collected and integrated over several rounds. Our agile approach, coupled with the development in UI5 and execution on a classic SAP system using the Netweaver Gateway and oData, allowed us to create a solution that was not only technically advanced, but also deeply rooted in the needs and ways of working of the employees.

Step-by-step implementation for sustainable success

The implementation included carefully determining the data to be cared for and dividing the care process into a series of defined steps. By defining and leveraging oData backend services from the SAP Netweaver Gateway, we created an application that not only increased efficiency, but also drastically improved the transparency and accessibility of the information.

Impressive results and outlook

The results spoke for themselves: bank product management that was not only transparent and efficient, but also gave new motivation to employees and new trust to customers. We presented a comprehensive care app that offers the flexibility to be split into smaller, specialized apps in the future, thus laying the foundation for continuous innovation and adaptability.

This project was more than an IT solution – it was a signpost to a future where clarity and innovation define banking product management. At HO2, we believe that the real challenges lie not only in technology, but in the way we use it to solve human problems and create real value. With our InnovateSAP initiative, we are ready to turn your challenges into opportunities. Let’s shape the future of banking together.